Marketplace Theology

Adrian Di Francesco Adrian Di Francesco

Work Redeemed in the Kingdom of God: An Eschatological Hope for Our Labour in the Lord-Part 1

There are a myriad of reasons why work is broken but what if God offers us redemption and renewal for the present brokenness of work? What if we need a better theology and Christian vision of work that will help us reconcile this seemingly inescapable brokenness? Is it possible for all of us in our work contexts, broken as they are, regardless of industry, field, or practice, to experience our work as an enactment of God’s renewal in the world? My argument is that it is not only possible but a promise that all of us can experience God’s redemption in our work, no matter how tarnished or broken, made possible by Christ’s inauguration of his Kingdom in the world.

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Dr. R. Paul Stevens Dr. R. Paul Stevens

THE SOUL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP: From Max Weber to the new business spirituality

In this article, Dr. Stevens writes that the nature of true spirituality is that it is essentially gratuitous.  But the New Business Spirituality invites a recovery of the great theological truths which fired the entrepreneurship of Jews, early Christians, Catholics and Protestants, and all peoples of faith.

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Dr. Ross Hastings Dr. Ross Hastings

CHURCH AND KINGDOM: The Theological issue of Church and Kingdom

The most important factor in keeping the church and the kingdom of God together is the person of Jesus Christ. He is the King of the Kingdom and he is the Head of the Church. In this article, Dr. Ross Hastings discusses on the theological issue of Church and Kingdom.

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Dr. Steven Garber Dr. Steven Garber

Send us out to do the work you have given us to do

We are called to see the world through the eyes of the Incarnation, able to know more completely what is and what isn’t, what matters and what doesn’t. And as a congregation we are remembering these weeks by focusing on work, which is most of your life and mine; and yes more deeply its meaning in the idea of vocation. For all of us that has been a great gift, an unusual gift because the Church as Church rarely thinks aloud about work, which is strange given that it is most of what the people of God do week after week.

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Dr. R. Paul Stevens Dr. R. Paul Stevens

Forming a Marketplace-Friendly Church

The equipping task has been misunderstood as enrolling people into the ministry of the church, making them assistant pastors, rather than preparing them for their Monday to Friday ministry in the home, workplace, the hospital and medical clinic, the university, and elementary school.

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Don Flow Don Flow

A Theological Understanding of Profit in Business

A business does not operate in a vacuum but is the recipient of shared cultural and intellectual wealth and is accountable to the community. As a major influence on life in today’s society, business has a responsibility to reflect on what that means. It is strategically positioned in society to express justice, covenant community and stewardship.

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Christina Hubbard Christina Hubbard

Humility for the artist-leader

Today humility is seldom extolled as a virtue worth pursuing. The opposite carries the day with the constant siren call to self-promotion. In this timely and important article, Christina explores the temptations and strengths of the artist-leader, probing a common challenge in the church for this role, examining Jesus’ example, and finally, discussing ways to practice humility with God.

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Matthias Hoehne Matthias Hoehne

Growing our Friendship with God through the Spiritual Discipline of Relinquishment

How can we cultivate our friendship with God? Is friendship simply a gift of God that we can receive and enjoy, or does it require the vigorous application of various spiritual and physical exercises? In this paper, Matthias argues that cultivating our friendship with God requires relinquishment from a “grasping spirit” and reception of his lavish love as a response to his unconditional, first love for us.

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Dr. Steven Garber Dr. Steven Garber

ORA ET LABORA: The heart of our calling

And because vocation is written into the very meaning of being human, our vocations are therefore integral to who we are, to why we are, and to what we do with our lives— even as they are integral to the work of God himself.

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Dr. R. Paul Stevens Dr. R. Paul Stevens

Blessing God Through Work and Worship

In this article, we are considering just how our work can be worship, as well as how our worship in the gathered life of the church can make the connection between Sunday and Monday. We do this in the light of our definition of marketplace theology, adapting the pithy definition of William Perkins in the 18th century to read: “Marketplace theology is the science of working blessedly forever.”

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Dr. R. Paul Stevens Dr. R. Paul Stevens

The WORKER—Trinitarian Work

We have argued in previous articles that a wholistic marketplace theology must deal with the head (which systematic theology caters to), the heart (which embraces the need for prayer and spiritual formation), and the hands (which suggests that theology must be applied). But even more than application, it is in practice that we learn the truth about our work. In this article, we want to apply it to the worker herself. We will consider how the worker is inspired by and actually participates in the work of the triune God, Father Son, and Holy Spirit.

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Dr. Jean Lee Dr. Jean Lee

The Snake and the Dove: Life in the Marketplace

Living faithfully in the marketplace is a process of character building and continuous spiritual growth. It is important for Christians to be able to articulate their faith when confronted with marketplace values and demands. Traditionally, church life tends to focus more on the inner or spiritual aspects of its congregation and simultaneously it focuses on the gathering for worship within the church. So we teach the Bible and think about applications. We care for the sick and support families. Seldom do we go deep into how we confront challenges in the marketplace.

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LT Jeyachandran LT Jeyachandran

Towards a More Biblical View of Matter Towards a Theology of Work

It is not an accident that the Bible begins with a not-so-religious theme – a world of matter! It seems to be preoccupied, not with the creation of the spirit-world, but with a world of matter to be ruled over by humans. A correct theology of matter and the material world must precede a correct theology of work within the confines of that world. The theology of matter as laid down for us in the Bible is thrown into relief as we contemplate the two competing views of matter.

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Dr. R. Paul Stevens Dr. R. Paul Stevens

Going to Work with the Professor: Ecclesiastes and Meaning in Human Labour

I am a professor but not like the one who forms the title of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, a person who had enormous influence and a harem! I have been married to one wonderful woman for sixty years. I am calling the author of Ecclesiastes “The Professor” because the Hebrew form, Qoheleth, of the Greek title, Ecclesiastes, is based on the Hebrew word qahal which suggests that he is someone who gathers or convenes an assembly.

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Larry Peabody Larry Peabody

I’m a Christian—But Who Am I at Work?

Back in my twenties, when I began working for state government, I struggled with how—as a Christ-follower—I should see myself in that role. By that time I could look back on more than two decades of involvement in local churches. But my church experience had not given me any language that could connect my faith with my role in the work world.

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Dr. R. Paul Stevens Dr. R. Paul Stevens

WORK: A Wholistic Approach—Head, Heart and Hands

Work is energy expended, whether manual or mental, purposively—unlike play which simply has the enjoyment of the activity itself as the end goal. Work has as its goal an accomplishment. But actually the distinction between work and play is not that absolute and, as we shall see, later, it is possible to play at work just as we work at play. In this essay we are dealing with work and approaching it from head, heart and hands.

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