IMT offers a certificate programme for those interested in deepening their understanding and practice of engaging their faith in the marketplace. This program involves 5 module components, which consist of theological teaching and practical exercises. Upon completion of the 5 modules the participant will receive an accredited certificate, which indicates a comprehensive engagement of matters relating faith to work.
Certificate of Marketplace Transformation
Earn a Certificate in Marketplace Transformation
IMT offers a sequenced five module programme of integrating faith and work through study, without moving to a residential school. These courses cover the theology of work, marketplace, ethics, leadership, spirituality and marketplace pastoring, with fourteen options. Each of the five modules can be done over a few months very part time. Modules can be taken individually or as a group and the completed Certificate can be attributed as a 3 credit equivalent standing for those wishing to pursue a Masters degree at Regent College (provided they qualify for entrance). Some of the modules can be taken as weekend or intensive courses at various locations or using downloaded audio or video material. For more information contact registrar@imtglobal.org.
Certificate Details
Each certificate has two required foundation modules and the other three modules are elective; 5 modules in total.
Possible concentrations in Marketplace Mentoring or Marketplace Pastoring
Each module takes approximately 45 hours to complete, and should be completed 3 months from the day of registration. Each module consists of a teaching component, textbook reading, and a competency assignment. If a module is spread over 12 weeks, this would involve approximately three to four hours a week.
The current 13 module offerings are available in face-to-face seminars in Vancouver, Canada, Hong Kong, Jeju Island, Korea, Seoul, Korea, or online and personal learning.
Required Foundational Modules:
MM-1 (Marketplace Ministry) or MM-12 (Theology of Work)
MM-4 (Taking Your Soul to Work)
Cost and Enrollment
Each module seminar has a basic cost (varies per module)
If the module is taken toward a certificate program there is an additional fee of $150 USD (or CAD equivalent) to the cost of the seminar (or materials provided).
Upon completion of all required modules, a $150 USD (or CAD equivalent) accreditation fee will be required for graduation.
Participants are encouraged to pay for five accreditations in advance through a discounted price of $625 USD (or equivalent in CAD). A savings of $125 USD.
The modules will be provided by the Institute of Marketplace Transformation.
The accreditation of the Certificate will possibly be provided by a recognized College or University.