About Us
The Institute for Marketplace Transformation develops resources to help Christians integrate their faith and work. Our mission is equipping and empowering Christians to live out their Kingdom calling in the world from Monday through Sunday.
Dr. Paul Stevens
Many Christians feel their work is disconnected from what they incorrectly perceive to be God's work in the world. At best, the money they earn can support God's “real workers”: missionaries, church workers, and those in not-for-profit ministries. Their part is merely to provide resources, to obtain those resources without sinning, and to witness to co-workers. The actual work they do is merely secular, so it does not matter in the same way sacred work does. Discovering that God cares about the actual work we do, and that everything we do is sacred, is giving many Christians new meaning and purpose, and is advancing God's kingdom in new and fresh ways.
On our website you’ll find our podcast, where Dr. Paul Stevens interviews Christians in different industries who share their stories, experiences, and insights about integrating their faith and work. We also have our Doing God’s Business video series, which was created for small groups to go through together. Our books page includes books written by Dr. Paul Stevens and others about Marketplace Ministry. And our blog page includes reflections, stories, and insights written by Christians working in the marketplace.
The Institute for Marketplace Transformation helps Christians integrate their faith and work by providing a host of resources including videos and study guides for small groups, courses and seminars, and certificates that can provide three credits towards a Masters degree at Regent College in Vancouver. We also offer consulting and mentoring services to professional and business leaders.
“Due to an impoverished understanding of Scripture, I had been perpetuating an improperly dualistic Sunday-to-Monday gap ... I had separated the life of Christian faith from ordinary, everyday living in the world.”
“A faulty theology of vocation and work was a significant contributor to the secularization of western society. Recovery of a fully biblical theology of vocation and work has the potential to energize a radical new missionary movement in the world today.”
“Until we are clear on this, we will have missed Jesus’ connection between life and God and will automatically exclude most of our everyday lives from the domain of faith and discipleship. Jesus lived most of his life on earth as a blue-collar worker, someone we might describe today as an ‘independent contractor.’ In his vocation He practiced everything He later taught about life in the kingdom.”
The Institute for Marketplace Transformation
The Institute for Marketplace Transformation (IMT) helps Christians integrate their faith and work by providing a host of resources, including:
IMT offers mentoring for business and professional leaders through our Fellows Program, which is a 12-month intensive discipleship community designed to help you grow in your integration of faith and work with a strong biblical, spiritual and theological foundation.
IMT consults with businesses on marketplace integration, leadership, and organizational culture. They also consult with churches and organizations wishing to empower their working members to be a transformative influence in the world.
IMT offers a certificate program that can provide three credits towards a Masters degree at Regent College in Vancouver.
IMT offers courses to marketplace Christians to gain a clear understanding of the biblical perspectives of work, to integrate their faith and work, and to equip them to face the challenges of the modern workplace.
“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.”