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Taking Your Soul to Work Course

Join the Taking Your Soul to Work course with Dr. R. Paul Stevens (Professor Emeritus of Marketplace Theology at Regent College, Chairman of the Institute for Marketplace Transformation, and coauthor of Taking Your Soul to Work (Eerdmans), and other guests.

When? 7.00-8.30 p.m. Wednesdays March 2 - March 30, 2022

How? On Zoom (zoom link to be given after registration)

Format? Each evening will include three topics, each one with a practical outworking/discipline and each one introduced with a biblical character.

Cost? By Donation. Suggested donation is $10/evening or $40/series. Donate here:
(Note: donations of more than $25 will receive an tax receipt for Canadian income tax purposes).

Registration? Register by filling in the form below.


March 2 - Workplace Spirituality

  1. Spirituality Through Work (Nehemiah: prayer and the practice of the presence of God)

  2. Spirituality Before and After Work (Mary and Martha: The Examen)

  3. Spirituality While You Work (Daniel: spiritual friendship)

March 9 - The Testing of Jesus and Ourselves in our Everyday Work

  1. Money and Provision (Solomon: how much do you need and do you need it right now?)

  2. Sex and Sensationalism (David: discerning the difference between arousal and lust)

  3. Power and Empowerment (Saul: bases of power and empowerment)

March 16  - Resistance: Encountering the World, the Flesh and the Devil

  1. Work and the World (Erastus: the tools of spiritual warfare: prayer, participation, peaceful demonstration)

  2. Work and the Flesh: The Nine Deadlies and the Fruit of the Spirit (Paul: making the connection between struggle and resource)

  3. Work and the Devil: (John the Theologian in The Revelation)

March 23 - Working with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

  1. Working with the Spirit (Bezalel: Creativity and Vocational Discernment)

  2. Working with the Son (Jesus and the Father)

  3. Working with the Father (Adam: doing God’s work today)

March 30 - Working with Faith, Hope and Love

  1. Working with Faith: Busyness and the Myth of Work-Life Balance (Esther: Discerning the time to act)

  2. Working with Love: Stress Sabbath and Serenity (Joseph: The PERSIST rule)

  3. Working with Hope: Doing Work that Lasts (Zechariah: kingdom service - the parable of the mustard seed)


Participants are encouraged to read R. Paul Stevens and Alvin Ung, Taking Your Soul to Work: Discovering the Nine Deadly Sins of the Workplace (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010). A complete bibliography will be provided.

If you have any questions, please email To register, please fill out the form below.


Registration Form

November 6

Fellows 6 Group

October 21

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